Digital Health

WHO-European Region and HIMSS Design Senior Health Leaders Orientation Programme for Digital Health at HIMSS23 European Health Conference in Lisbon, Portugal

Rear view of businessmen having a business meeting with team of doctors at doctor's office.

In paving the way for a new, harmonized approach to the digital transformation of health systems in Europe and beyond, WHO/Europe and HIMSS signed a landmark Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) in 2022 for collaboration on data and digital health. 

As part of the activities undertaken within the auspices of this MoU to support implementation of the Regional digital health action plan for the WHO European Region 2023-2030, WHO/Europe and HIMSS have co-designed a Senior Health Leaders Orientation Programme for Digital Health, which will consists of a series of three new and innovative workshops to build knowledge and capacity for developing and managing national data and digital health ecosystems. 

After an introductory workshop held virtually, the second workshop of the series will be hosted in-person within the HIMSS23 European Health Conference in Lisbon. The second workshop will include policymakers and senior advisers from the member states of WHO/Europe, responsible for the oversight and implementation of national data and ehealth programmes. 

HIMSS23 European Health Conference: Health That Connects + Tech That Cares

June 7-9, 2023 | Digital & Lisbon

HIMSS23 in Lisbon is the most influential health information and technology conference of the year – where healthcare leaders meet to build relationships, learn from experts in hot topic educational sessions and discover innovative health tech products to solve their greatest challenges.

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