
Proposed Information Blocking Rule Would Discern Disincentives for Healthcare Providers

A doctor sharing medical results on a digital tablet with a patient.

The US Department of Health and Human Services, Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, and the Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology released a new proposed rule Oct. 30 that would implement specific information blocking disincentives for healthcare providers, with a particular focus the Medicare Promoting Interoperability Program, the Quality Payment Program and the Medicare Shared Savings Program.

The rule — 21st Century Cures Act: Establishment of Disincentives for Health Care Providers That Have Committed Information Blocking — would discern disincentives for healthcare providers, with HHS Office of Inspector General as the enforcement agency. The proposed rule has a 60-day comment period, with comments due Jan. 2, 2024.

“HIMSS applauds the release of the proposed rule,” said Tom Leary, senior vice president and head of government relations. “Our members are seeking clarity from the government on how the information blocking requirements in 21st Century Cures Act will impact the provider community.

“We are gearing up for a deep dive on the proposed rule, and we anticipate a robust discussion on the impact on accelerating nationwide interoperability that leads to safe and secure information exchange.”

Stay connected with HIMSS over the coming weeks as we provide further analysis on the impact of the rule, and send questions and comments to policy@himss.org.

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