Quality Care

HIMSS and PCHAlliance Submit Recommendations on EU Digital and AI Strategies

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On June 14, HIMSS and Personal Connected Health Alliance (PCHA) submitted observations and recommendations to the European Union on the EU Digital Strategy report and Artificial Intelligence white paper, two comprehensive strategies for EU countries that were released for public comment in February 2020.

The HIMSS-PCHA recommendations focused on four key areas where HIMSS-PCHA members and resources are committed to advancing the EU Digital Strategy for healthcare:

  • Embracing Europe’s drive for Digital Health
  • Confirming the strategic importance of data availability, accessibility, and portability
  • Focusing on a relentless pursuit of digital health interoperability
  • Fostering a European Approach to the Use of Artificial Intelligence
  • Enriching workforce capabilities to ensure AI successes

HIMSS-PCHA welcome the new EU focus on digital health and look forward to lively discussion on these issues at HIMSS Europe in September as the EU begins implementing the Digital Strategy.

Read the full recommendations: A joint response to the European Commission’s Data Strategy and White Paper on Artificial Intelligence.

Personal Connected Health Alliance

Make Health and Wellness an Effortless Part of Daily Life

The Personal Connected Health Alliance, or PCHAlliance, a HIMSS Innovation Company, accelerates the technical, business and social strategies necessary to advance personal connected health and is committed to improving health behaviors and chronic disease management via connected health technologies.

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